Tube Works
RT-904 (BLUE TUBE Enchancer)
Год выпуска:
гитарный ламповый рэковый преамп ,
рековый ,
Продаю rack tube guitar preamp. Concept & design by B.K. Butler (это не CHANDLER)
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Особенности аппаратов: CONTOUR CONTROL — Adjusts the amount of low frequencies or bottom end driven into the tube.
Some players prefer a fatter texture to their sound, while others prefer a more articulated, less "muddy"
contour. Moving this control toward "10" gives a fatter sound. Moving this control toward "0" will roll off
the extreme bottom end. Overdrive use: It is usually advisable to use less bass with chords, while single
string or note leads may sound better with more bottom end.
BIAS CONTROL — Actually adjusts the amount of cathode bias voltage of the tube stages, thereby
regulating the amount of plate current. Non-technically speaking, this control has the effect of adjusting
the overdrive characteristics from "hard" or "metallic" to "soft" or "compressed." A "10" setting gives the
hardest, most direct sound. "8" actually gives the most sensitivity and warmth, but with some softening
starting in. "0" may become too "mushy," but let your ears tell you what’s best for your application. Note:
Some DC noise is normal in this control when rotated.
TubeWorks RT-904 Blue Tube ENHANCER Made in USA Серийный номер 91-12293, на плате дата 1989г., лампа 12AX7A REAL
http://www.harmonycentral.com/products/88420 Мануал:
http://www.genzbenz.com/img/manuals/tw/BlueTubeRac kUserManual.pdf
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsaVwouEkXw Питание 110 В., адаптера питания - нет, футсвича - нет.
Причина продажи - купил RT-924.
Отправка в регионы возможна - 100% предоплата + компенсация расходов на отправку
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Возможен обмен - предлагайте варианты, желательно на Peavey VALVERB.