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ZZ Top - LaGrange - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / ZZ Top / LaGrange

Аккорды, табы


!		(Rhythm only)

!		Here is how I play the rhythm part of LaGrange. Our other guitarist does
!		the lead, so I've never bothered to learn it (and therefore haven't
!		included it :-)

!		Picking style is key to the percussive sound of this piece. Under
!		each section I have placed the following symbols:

!		^ indicates picking with an upward motion
!		v indicates picking with a downward motion

!		With a little practice, you can get a smooth up/down pattern esatblished,
!		and it stays the same throughout the song.
!		(clean sound)
!		    v  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^     ^ v  ^ v  ^ v  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^

!		During the first verse, keep repeating the section above between |: and :|
!		occasionally playing it this way to emphasize the words:

!		   ^ v  ^ v  ^ v  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^

!		Then after 'They got a lot o' nice girls' comes the break. Resume playing
!		the same as above with heavy distortion:

!		    v  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^     ^ v  ^ v  ^ v  ^  ^  ^  ^  ^

!		Keep repeating the part in between |: :| during the second verse, then
!		after 'I might be mistaken', switch to:

!		    v  ^   ^   ^   ^   ^        ^  v  ^ v   ^  v   ^   ^   ^   ^   ^

!		Then, during the guitar solo, keep playing the above section between |: :|
!		When the solo comes to an end, this is the pattern and the break:

!		    v  ^   ^   ^   ^   ^      ^  v  ^ v

!		(I usually play the D string with my pick and the E string with
!		   my middle finger. You can, of course, play both with your pick)

!		Repeat the break between |: and :| twice, then go back to the
!		clean part (same as the very first section). Play it 4 times,
!		hit the distortion, and play the same as the first verse until the fade...
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