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U2 - Passengers - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / U2 / Passengers

Аккорды, табы


!		This album really moved me. U2 has a new album out and the media didn't
!		catch on to it... Except for this song. But that's ok. Check out the rest of
!		the album. It's worth it.
!		Ad lib on the chords. Play them however you want... The object is to be
!		constant and to make your guitar resonate if you are playing an acoustic...
!		Relax take a deep breath and if you concentrate, you can even do the
!		Pavarotti part. Takes alot of energy though...
!		Oh yeah, one other thing... I don't know the words... Sorry

!		Capo on 2nd fret (to sound like the album)

!		Opening
>		Em  A
>		Em  A
>		           Em
		Is there a time for........
>		  A
		A time for ......
>		           Em
		Is there a time for .....
>		   A                        D
		A time for ......, Here she comes
		Hoooooo, hoooooo
>		Em                               D
		Words, words, etc, Here she comes
>		F#m
		Living away......
>		Em   A
>		Em   A
!		Repeat (different words)
!		Pavarotti part (Same as rest of song. You just play with the voice)
>		          Em
		Icci Amore
>		              A
		Donde esta el tequilla
		etc, etc...
>		       F#m             B
>		Em   A
>		Em   A
		Try it out, I'll repost it with the correct words soon.
		Have fun
		Careful where you aim,  'cause where you aim you just might hit.
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