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Slipknot - Gently - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Slipknot / Gently

Аккорды, табы


!		Intro:
!		Guitare clair












!		                           2x




Text:		Gently my mind escapes into the relaxing mode of pleasure
		A pleasure that will take my mind off the reality of life
		My past life
		Life as I know it know
		And whatever may come it slowly disappears
		to somewhere in the back of my mind
		It will remain there until I wish to retrieve it

		Yes I will stay here for awhile for I need the break
		A break from the pressures of life
		and everything that lay in the palm of life's hands

		This mode is incredible
		It's out of this world
		Too bad I must always leave it
		But that's life

		That's life



Text:		Gently, my mind escapes into the relaxing
		world of pleasure, a pleasure that'll take
		my mind off the reality of my life,
		my past life... life as I know it now.

		And whatever may come, it slowly
		disappears to somewhere in the back
		of my mind. It will remain there,
		until I wish to retrieve it.

		Yes, I will stay here for a while,
		for I need the break. A break from the
		pressures of life, and everything
		that lays in the palm of life's hands.

		This mode is incredible. It's out of
		this world. Too bad I must always leave it...
		... but that's life.
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