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Slayer - Killing Fields - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Slayer / Killing Fields

Аккорды, табы

		Killing Fields

!		Killer song to scream the lyrics while jamming alone =)

!		I always have my guitar tuned down to <Eb> so... whatever fits
!		your sound
!		  drums

!		         pick scrape
!		Rhythm fig 1
!		       P.M....     .......       .........

!		Rhythm fig 1 (cont)
!		       P.M....     .......       .........

!		                                       *pull up/down   **pull up on bar
!		P.M....................        P.M...................
!		heavy p.m..........................
!		heavy P.M..........................
!		                                       (play 6 times)
!		P.M.......................................



!		play w/ lyrics
!		Chorus       w/ "A sociopath with empty eyes"etc

!		2nd Chorus
!		                                Gradually accelerate picking
!		P.M...............................................................

!		       w/"A choice is made of free will" etc
!		P.M................................................................
!		riff b
!		P.M...............................................................

!		          w/"Decisions to lose control"etc
!		P.M...............................................................

!		riff b etc

!		solo rhythm
!		P.M............................................................

!		P.M..............................................................

!		Rhythm fig 1 w/ " A choice is made" again

!		Lyrics:

		You know the feeling when adrenaline takes control
		Cant beat the rush that leaves a suicidal hold
		Instinct spares no one destroying the human heart
		The taste of blood can rip your soul apart
		Devils that drive us do not discriminate
		A state of mind that becomes the ultimate end
		Action re-action bloodline is not immune
		To the depth of human nature inside of me and you

		A sociopath with empty eyes and no soul
		Paranoid psychotic heart of stone my blood runs cold

		Evils of passion can drive reasons to extremes
		Love, hate and murder, Temporary insanity
		On the edge of a demented personality
		Emotional pain is a deadly reality

		A Sociopath with empty eyes and no soul
		Paranoid psychotic heart of stone my blood runs cold!!!

		A choice is made of free will just like the choice to kill
		Decision to lose control my self destructive rationale
		A choice is made, made of free will
		Just like the choice, the choice to kill
		In the speed of the moment, life stands still
		Now you're standing in my killing field

		a choice is made of free will just like the choice to kill
		In the speed of the moment, life stands still
		Now you're standing in my killing field!
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