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Robbie Williams - Cursed - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Robbie Williams / Cursed

Аккорды, табы

!		(R. Williams/G. Chambers/A. Deevoy)

>		Hm
		Dig your polished nails into the dirt
>		A		Em
		Rip your skirt off, wipe the hurt off
>		Hm
		You know it tears my heart out when you
>		A		    E
		Flirt with danger and any stranger
>		Hm		         A
		You're not as stupid as I look
>		        	  E
		Before I could read, you wrote the book
>		D		Hm
		Cursed, since your birth dear
>		        G		           Em
		And your worst fears have all come true
		Held my hand when I got my first tatoo
		I was naked when it penetrated
		Told everyone I'd slept with you
		Thought you'd like it, knew you wouldn,t deny it
		St Peter's gonna be unfaithful
		Tell God he's got a dirty angel
		Cursed, since your birth dear
		And your worst fears have all come true
		Babe you're not the first here on earth dear
		'Cause I'm still here and I'm cursed too
		cursed like you
		Hush, baby sleep now
		We all love you always did
		Cursed, since your birth dear
		And your worst fears have all come true
		Babe you're not the first here on earth dear
		'Cause I'm still here
		And I'm cursed too, cursed like you
		Hush, baby sleep now
		We all love you always will
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