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Rancid - The Bottle - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Rancid / The Bottle

Аккорды, табы

Rancid (1993)
		The Bottle

Intro:		(Do the xx palm muting when the bass plays)

Chorus:		(barre chords)
>		D  A  G  D } 2x

Verse:		<D  C  G  D> } 2x

Bridge:		<C  A> } 2x

!		Riff played during bridge:
>		   C               A

!		Lyrics:
!		(Chorus)
		Climb in, climb in, climb inside me, pain.
!		(Verse)
		Another night of drinkin', another night of being out of my head and I
		don't know where I was last night. Drinking on an empty stomach or an
		empty mind. It makes no difference when I'm way out of line.
!		(Bridge)
		Things I can't remember come back to haunt me. A lot of people out there
		who seem to want me.
		Climb in the bottle and never come out.
!		(Chorus)
!		(Verse)
		I may know nothin' but I'm good at something, I will drink until the day
		comes up No more. One of these days gonna come out of my haze. Better
		hurry up, it's getting harder to come back.
!		(Bridge)
!		(Chorus)

!		That's it!
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