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Rancid - Radio - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Rancid / Radio

Аккорды, табы

"Let's Go!"

>		D             B            G                  D
Intro:		Never fell in love, until I fell in love with you
>		D                 B                    G                     D
		Never knew what a good time was until I had a good time with you
>		D                    B                                         G
		If you wanna get the feelin and you wanna get it right then the music's gotta
>		   D
		be loud
>		D                  B              G       D        A
		For when the music hits I feel no pain at all

>		D           B                    G       D
Verse 1:	Warm summer night I was drinking with my dad
>		D           B                 G       D
		He tried to give me love that I never had
>		D                B           G         D
		But he gave more love to his bottle of wine
>		D           B                       G       D         (Riff A)
		So I had to go out and find love of another kind

Riff A:		[E|--3-5--3-5--5-4-3-2-5-4-3-2-5-4-3-2-5-4-3-2--------------------------------|

>		D           B           G           D
Chorus:		Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio
>		D              B        G             D
		When I got the music I gotta place to go
>		D           B           G           D
		Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio Radio
>		D              B        G             D            A
		When I got the music I gotta place to go

Solo:		[E|----------------------------------X-X-X------------------------------------|

>		D              B        G             D
Interlude:	When I got the music I gotta place to go
>		D              B        G             D
		When I got the music I gotta place to go
>		D                  B                          G             D
		When I gotta place when I gotta place when I gotta place to go
>		D              B        G             D
		When I got the music I gotta place to go

>		D              B        G             D
Outro:		When I got the music I gotta place to go
>		D              B        G             D
		When I got the music I gotta place to go
>		D              B        G             D
		When I got the music I gotta place to go
>		D              B        G             D
		When I got the music I gotta place to go

>		    D      B            G         D

!		Song:
!		Intro
!		Verse (w/riff 1)
!		Chorus
!		Verse (w/riff 1)
!		Chorus
!		Solo (w/riff 1)
!		Chorus
!		Interlude
!		Outro

!		Other Lyrics:
		Here it is
		Here I am
		Turn it up
		Fuckin' loud
		Radio Clash, Magnificent Seven
		I was a choir boy you showed me no heaven
		Two Tbols surely lost
		No remorse, ignored the cost
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