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Rancid - Junkyman - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Rancid / Junkyman

Аккорды, табы

...And Out Come the Wolves

!		standard tuning
!		Starts out with this nifty riff-
!		let the notes ring out
!		etc.etc.etc. repeat however many times,
!		than rythm guitar comes in with right-
!		hand muted chrods for the verse
!		this continues basically until the pre-chorus:
!		The chorus the same as the opening riff
!		The song just repeats these same 3 riffs,
!		broken by a bass/poetry solo which just
!		follows the verse riff.


CHORDS USED:	<     A     F#     D     E>

Intro\Chorus:	<A>, <D> on one gtr. while other plays lead riff

>		A
Verse:		the common man doesn't suffer pain like this
>		D
		only the soul that has never been kissed
>		A
		let us adore our beautiful son
>		D
		he's ridin on the rivers of babylon
>		A
		bootin up and shootin up bring on the brightness see the
>		D
		son of god is comin up and i see a likeness
>		A
		internalize the lunacy the misery is showin when you're
>		D
		brought up you're caught up in a system that is goin

>		F#                     D
PreChorus:	no one answeres no one takes that call from you (repeat), then <E>

chorus:		(see Intro)
		junkyman tell em what your story is

Verse2:		water water water water i desire
		some parents house is on fire
		slowly the house gonna burn to the ground
		the neighborhood will watch without a sound
		will someone be a witness please tell me that he's crazy
		but he's not and they know that and they can't get him cause he's not crazy
		beat him lock him knock him take away his authority
		hit em ship em club em, submitted conformity

!		PreChorus

!		Poetry reading:
		my hand went blind, clairvoyant, pure in the veins
		i make love to my trance sister went on
		and my trance parents see from the balcony
		i looked out on the big field
		it opens like the cover of an old bible
!		(play prechorus riff)
		and out come the wolves! out come the wolves
		their paws trampling in the snow the alphabet
		i stand on my head and watch it all go away

Verse3:		bootin up shootin up and bring on the brightness
		see the sun of god is comin up and there is a likeness
		internalize the lunacy the misery is showin
		when you're brought up you're caught up in a system that is goin

!		PreChorus
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