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Rancid - Hyena - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Rancid / Hyena

Аккорды, табы


!		(This song is easiest divided into 11 separate parts)

!		1. During Bass Intro, Guitar plays distortion in the key of <G>. At the end of
!		the intro, right before
!		"Here we go!" Slide a <C> to a <D>.
!		2. In the part of the song following that (but before the lyrics begin) the
!		guitar plays:
>		G D#   G D#   G D#   C D } X2
!		3. VERSE
>		G
		I'm money broke
>		     B-C-B-C
		It's no joke
>		G
		Can't cope
>		                       B-C-B-C
		Use the rope this time
>		G
		Knuckle up, buckle up
>		              B-C-B-C
		The ride's getting rough
>		G                             B-C-B-C
		But I will not lose my mind
>		G		B-C-B-C
		I asked them if I could come in
>		G				B-C-B-C
		And the first thing they said was no
>		G				B-C-B-C
		If I can't come in, that means I can't come back
>		G		              F
		That means I got nowhere to go
!		4. CHORUS
>		F           C        Bb                  F
		I'm a hyena fighting for the lion share
>		F               C          Bb            F } X2
		Sometimes the lion share ain't there
>		G D#   G D#   G D#   C D } X2
!		5. VERSE 2 (Same chords as the first)
		Absent from political authority
		An animal I've become
		Total disorder and confusion is the lifestyle that I run
		Permit me to do what I want and I will I'm a nomad to travel
		Concrete glass stone and gravel
!		6. CHORUS
!		7. VERSE 3 (A little different. Also heavy mike distortion. *Besides the
!		"<D# Bb>" chords are
!		basically impossible to pick out. The bass carries the melody. However it
!		does sound sort of like
!		a <G> being raked.)
>		G*
		Every time I turn around it's the same sad story
>		G*
		Getting ganked I wish it would end
>		G*
		And life's comisary
>		G*					      D#    Bb
		I'm a bad missionary with a wicked message I send
>		G*
		(????) ...is not the way I want to live.
>		G*
		Who could I trust in a world of green?
>		G*
		When I'm taught to take and not give.
!		8. BRIDGE
>		D#
		Who could I trust?
>		Bb
		When I'm taught to take and not give.
!		9. SOLO (Don't have time to tab this out, but these are the chords played
!		under the solo.)
>		F         C          Bb          F     } X4
!		Guitar solo played out of a blues scale in the key of <F>
!		10.  Repeat first verse (#3)
!		11.  CHORUS  v.2
!		Play through the chords (<F   C   Bb    F>) two times alone with the bass before
!		kicking in the chorus
!		lyrics.
!		During the second time through:
		Spoken: You see there's nothing you can say that's going to change my mind.
		Fuck you!
>		F           C        Bb                  F
		I'm a hyena fighting for the lion share
>		F               C          Bb            F
		Sometimes the lion share ain't there
>		F       C            Bb   G#          F
		Sometimes the lion share ain't there
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