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Rancid - As One - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Rancid / As One

Аккорды, табы

"Let's Go!"
		As One

!		This is my favorite song so far off of Rancid's second album, Let's Go.
!		It's pretty basic, just three chords:

Intro:		<   A     A     A/D   E E>

>		A                                   D
Verse:		War between races war between lies, war between something
>		         E
		that was living inside (you get the idea).

>		A  E  D          A  E  D
Chrous:		         As One          As One. . . . } repeat

!		That's it! I hope you like it.

!		Here's the lyrics:
		War between races, war between lies, war between something
		that was living inside. You were wrong all along I was right you lied, U
		to the N to the ITY. Straight down too late can it kick the feeling,
		looking from the bottom I can't see the ceiling. Shots rang out in the
		Oakland winter, can't stand alone if you can't stand together.
		As One  As One  As One As One
		No matter what they do they'll try to divide you, fear you up what's
		inside you. Way down down down down the scale and I'll hook your anchor
		to the gates of hell. Once you realize that it was so simple, what you're
		given you can't take with you. I asked somebody if they had the same
		vision, he said yeah I had the same vision.
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