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Radiohead - The Morning Bell Amnesiac - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Radiohead / The Morning Bell Amnesiac

Аккорды, табы

		The Morning Bell Amnesiac

!		Chord Index
>		Am    [x02210]
>		Amaj7 [x02120]
>		G     [320033]
>		D     [x00232]
>		Em    [022000]
>		G#m   [466444]

>		 Am         Amaj7  Am          Amaj7  Am             Amaj7
		Morning Bell       Morning Bell       not another encounter
>		  G      D    G      D
		Release me  Release me
>		Am               Amaj7        Am              Amaj7  Am               Amaj7
		You can keep the furniture  a bump on the head       falling down the chimney
>		  G       D   G       D
		Release me  Release me
>		Am    Amaj7
>		Am    Amaj7
>		Am    Amaj7
>		  G       D   G      D
		Release me  Release me
>		Am                       Amaj7  Am                       Amaj7
		Where'd you park the car?       Where'd you park the car?
>		    Am                 Amaj7        Am       Amaj7
		The clothes are all an all with the furniture
!		(i have no idea what he is really singing here :))
>		      Am           Amaj7     Am           Amaj7   Am              Amaj7
		and i might as well        i might as well        sleepy jack the fire drill
>		Am              Amaj7           G     D       G     D
		round n round n round n round n round     and round
>		Em              G#m   Em              G#m   Em              C#m
		cut the kids in half  cut the kids in half  cut the kids in half
>		D    A
>		D    A
>		Am   Amaj7
>		Am   Amaj7
>		Am   Amaj7
>		G    D
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