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QUEEN - Good Company - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / QUEEN / Good Company

Аккорды, табы

A Night At The Opera 1975
		Good Company
!		(May)
!		3:17

!		some solo-fills




Text:		Take good core of what you've got
		My father said to me
		As he puffed his pipe and Baby B.
		He dandled on his knee
		Don't fool with fools who'll turn away
		Keep all Good Company

		Oo Hoo Oo Hoo
		Take care of those you call your own
		And keep Good Company

		Soon I grew and happy too
		My very good friends and me
		We'd play all day and Sally J.
		The girl from number four
		And very soon I begged her won't you
		Keep me Company

		Now marriage is an insinuation sure
		My wife and I our needs and nothing more All my friends by a year
		By and by disappear
		But we're safe enough behind our door.

		I flourished in my humble trade
		My reputation grew
		The work devoured my waking hours
		But when my time was through
		Reward of all my efforts my own
		Limited Company

		I hardly noticed Sall as we
		Pated Company
		All through the years in the end it appears
		There was never really anyone but me

		Now I'm old I puff my pipe
		But no-one's there to see

		I ponder on the lesson of
		My life's insanity
		Take care of those you call your own
		And Keep Good Company

!		(Vocals - Brian May
!		Genuine Aloha Ukelele (made in Japan) - Brian May Guitar Jazz Band - Brain May)
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