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Police - Every Little Thing She Does - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Police / Every Little Thing She Does

Аккорды, табы

		Every Little Thing She Does

!		Here's my version of "every little thing she does". It is not complete as I
!		don't remember the lyrics, but the guitar parts are ok (try to play along with
!		the record....you need to capo a fret (I believe it is the 1.st)).
!		Could someone please repost this with the complete lyrics?
		Every Little Thing She Does
>		Dsus2/G     Dsus2/A    Dsus2/B     Dsus2/C#      D/Bb     D/C
		[=xx==0      x0x==0     x=x==0      x=x==0       x=x==0   ======
		||||||      ||||||     ||||||      ||||||       |*||||   ||||||
		|||*||      |||*||     |*|*||      |||*||       |||*||   |||*||
		*|||*|      ||||*|     ||||*|      ||||*|       ||||*|   |*||*|
		||||||      ||||||     ||||||      |*||||       ||||||   ||||||]

!		intro:
		%  <Dsus2/G  Dsus2/A   Dsus2/B  Dsus2/C#> %

>		            Dsus2/G         Dsus2/A
		Though I've tried before to tell her
>		       Dsus2/B         Dsus2/C#
		of the feelings I have for her
>		      Dsus2/G   Dsus2/A   Dsus2/B  Dsus2/C#
		in my heart
>		     Dsus2/G           Dsus2/A
		Everytime that I come near her
>		       Dsus2/B            Dsus2/C#
		I just loose my nerves as I've done
>		         D        D-G-A  D-G-A  D-G-A
		from the start
>		             A                 D
		Every little thing she does is magic
>		             A                   D
		Every little thing just turns me on
>		               A                D
		Even though my love before was tragic
>		              A                 Dsus2/Bb
		now I know my love for her goes on
>		    Dsus2/C  Dsus2/G  Dsus2/A  Dsus2/B  Dsus2/C#
		Do I have to tell the story
		of a thousand rainy days
		since we first met
		It's a big enough umbrella
		but it's always me who ends up
		getting wet
!		chorus.
!		<Dsus2/Bb  Dsus2/C   Dsus2/G   Dsus2/A>  ...{repeat this over and over again}
		I resolved .......
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