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Pink Floyd - Lost For Words - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Pink Floyd / Lost For Words

Аккорды, табы

The Division Bell (1994)

		I was <F>spending my time in the <C>doldrums
		I was <F>caught in a cauldron of <C>hate
		I felt <F>persecuted and <C>para<Am>lysed
		I <G>thought that everything else would just <F>wait
		While you are wasting your time on your enemies
		Engulfed in a fever of spite
		Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades
		Like shadows into the night
		To martyr yourself to caution
		Is not going to help at all
		Because there'll be no safety in numbers
		When the Right One walks out of the door
!		break
		Can you <C>see your days blighted by <G>darkness?
		Is it <C>true you beat your fists on the <G>floor?
		<C>Stuck in a world of <G>iso<Em>lation
		While the <D>ivy grows over the <C>door
		So I open my doors to my enemies
		And I ask could we wipe the slate clean
		But the tell me please go fuck myself
		You know you just can't win


Text:		I was spending my time in the doldrums
		I was caught in a cauldron of hate
		I felt persecuted and paralysed
		I thought that everything else would just wait

		While you are wasting your time on your enemies
		Engulfed in a fever of spite
		Beyond your tunnel vision reality fades
		Like shadows into the night

		To martyr yourself to caution
		Is not going to help at all
		Because there'll be no safety in numbers
		When the Right One walks out of the door

		Can you see your days blighted by darkness?
		Is it true you beat your fists on the floor?
		Stuck in a world of isolation
		While the ivy grows over the door

		So I open my door to my enemies
		And I ask could we wipe the slate clean
		But they tell me to please go fuck myself
		You know you just can't win
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