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Operation Ivy - Unity - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Operation Ivy / Unity

Аккорды, табы


!		The chords in this song are <A>, <D>, <E>. In the chorus play them as a
!		regular bar chord, but in the verse play them like this(Playing the up beats
!		and muting the down beats):
>		     A                              D                    E
		[-----x-----------          -------x--------       --------x-------
		-----5-----------          --------7--------      --------9-------
		-----6-----------          --------7--------      --------9-------
		-----7-----------          --------7--------      --------9-------
		-----x-----------           -------x--------      --------x-------
		-----x-----------           -------x--------      --------x-------]

!		Intro

>		 A                 D                          E                    D
		There's a war goin' down between my brothers to night
>		A                    D     E             D
		I don't want no war goin down  goin' down tonight

!		Chorus
>		A            D   E     D
		Stop this      war
>		A            D   E     D
		Stop this      war

!		verse (remember to play only up beats)
>		A                D
		Civilization? Ha! I call it as I see it
>		E                               D
		I call it BULLSHIT! You know I still can not believe it
>		A                  D
		Our evolution now has gone the way of hate
>		E                             D
		a world evolved resolved into this stupid fate.

!		Chorus

!		Verse
		All so different yeah i think we're all the same
		All caught you know in this division game
		Self destruction fast impelling like a bullet
		no one can stop it once its fired no one can control it

!		Chorus

!		verse
		A final word WAIT! its not a call to action
		We aint no sect we aint no fuckin' faction
		Unity Unity yeah you heard it all before
		this time its not exclusive we want to stop the war

!		Chorus

		Aint nothing wrong with another unity song

		unity as one stand together
		unity evolution's goina come.
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