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Offspring - Pay The Man - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Offspring / Pay The Man

Аккорды, табы

Americana (1998)
		Pay The Man

!		Intro w/Flanger
		|e|-7-- 8--12--11--5--5/7--7|
		|a|-7-- 8--12--11--5--5/7--9|

		|e|-7-- 8--12--11--5--12/14--14|
		|a|-7-- 8--12--11--5--12/14--14|

		|e|-7-- 8--12--11--5--5/7--7|
		|a|-7-- 8--12--11--5--5/7--9|


!		Drums come in.. then this comes in with an E. Play 4 times then
!		6 more times with the lead. Listen to the song for the rythm.

		|e|-5/7-7-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7  8- 87-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7|
		|a|-5/7-7-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7- 8- 87-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7|

!		Play this over the top of the above riff.

		|  |e|-10-8-7-----------7-----------10-8-7-----------7----------||
		|  |b|--------10-9-9-10---10-9-------------10-9-9-10---10-9-----||
		|  |g|-------------------------10-9-------------------------10 9||
		|  |d|----------------------------------------------------------||
		|  |a|----------------------------------------------------------||
		|  |                                                            ||
		|  |e|-------------------7-7------------------------7-7---------||
		|  |b|------9-9-9-9-9-10-----10 9------9-9-9-9-9-10-----10-9----||
		|  |g|-9-10-----------------------9-10--------------------------||
		|  |d|----------------------------------------------------------||
		|  |a|----------------------------------------------------------||
		|  |e|----------------------------------------------------------||




		|  |e|-13-16-16-16-16-16-13-12-12h13p12-12-------------||
		|  |b|-------------------------------------------------||
		|  |d|-------------------------------------------------||
		|  |a|-------------------------------------------------||
		|  |e|-------------------------------------------------||
!		                 <A F E> Progression starts here *
		|b|-------------------------------------13 12 10-------|
!		Now Play this 2 times then 2 times with the lead below.
>		    A   F  E
		|a|-7-- 8--2-|
!		  *  *   *
!		* = Two times slow then 2 times fast.
!		This is played over the top of the above riff
>		                       A                 F                   E
!		After the lead riff ends this comes back in
!		and there is some chanting.
		|e|-5/7-7-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7  8- 87-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7|
		|a|-5/7-7-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7- 8- 87-7-7-7-5/7-7-7-7-7|
!		And then the 2nd guitar plays something like this..
		Well I dunno, I like the way this sounds.
!		Mix and match those 2 riffs. Listen
!		to the song for the order.
!		After the chanting the distortion comes in... OH YEAH!
!		Verse
		|e|----------------( 8)---------------------|
!		Chorus
		    Oh   Oh    Shuttup! You talk to much.
!		Ending:
		                                        My life...
!		______________________________________________________________________
!		That's it! I hope you like this song... It has the cool Egyptian sound
!		that "Come Out and Play" had, but better. This is my first attempt ever
!		to tab a song and I think I did pretty damn good. Just listen carefully
!		to the lead. I have it pretty close. Just improvise! Good luck.


!		Гитapa 1
!		     INTRO







!		                                                     2x


















!		  VERSE




!		                           CHORUS





!		  VERSE




!		                           CHORUS






!		Гитapa 2




!		                                                                              2x






















!		Гитapa 3(doubled througout)




























































!		Гитapa 4





















!		Гитapa 5





















Text:		See the way the wind blows
		Lives are intertwined
		Watch the way the world goes
		The man deals out our plight

		Jester in the corner
		Laughs without a sound
		Jester in the corner
		Malady abounds
		In our souls

		See the way the sun sets
		Twilight of this life
		The man is making little bets
		Playing with our lives

		All that I believe now
		Anything is possible
		A simple explanation
		For the evil in this world
		And in our souls
		In our souls

		Come down to sorry and sable
		It's always the man
		Always keeping you down

		Bow down cause I see it before me
		Shadow and light
		That always keeps you running

		Shut up you talk too much
		Pay the man
		Shut up you talk too much

		Look at you and your struggle for freedom
		But you ain't nothing
		We all pay the man for living

		Wouldn't it be nice for a change now
		To be unchained
		My life is for me now
		But this is life
		Pay the man

		Shut up you talk too much
		Pay the man
		Shut up you talk too much
		Pay the man
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