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Nine Inch Nails - The downward spiral - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Nine Inch Nails / The downward spiral

Аккорды, табы

		The downward spiral

!		            repeat several times (and if you want breathe heavily)
!		                              repeat several times until the......
		he couldn't believe how easy it was
		he put the gun into his face
		(so much blood for such a tiny little hole)
		problems (do) have solutions (you know)
		a lifetime of fucking things up fixed in one determined flash
		everything is blue
		(everything is blue) in this world
		the deepest shade of mushroom blue
		all fuzzy
		spilling out of my head
		there you have it.  should be close.  simple but spooks the shit
		out of me. remember to print in notepad for windows or ms-dos
		prompt so it would line up. comments, suggestions, questions, etc.
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