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Nickelback - Saturday night's allright - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Nickelback / Saturday night's allright

Аккорды, табы

		Saturday night's allright

!		Ocнoвнaя тeмa кyплeтa:
		[E|----------------------| } пoвтopяeтcя 2 paзa

!		Тeмa пpипeвa:
		G|--5---------7---------| } пoвтopяeтcя 2 paзa

!		Зaтeм игpaeтcя:

!		Тaкaя вoт пpocтeнькaя пeceнкa.

		It's getting late have you seen my mates
		Ma tell me when the boys get here
		It's seven o'clock and I want to rock
		Want to get a belly full of beer
		My old man's drunker than a barrel full of monkeys
		And my old lady she don't care
		My sister looks cute in her braces and boots
		A handful of grease in her hair
		Don't give us none of your aggravation
		We had it with your discipline
		Saturday night's alright for fighting
		Get a little action in
		Get about as oiled as a diesel train
		Gonna set this dance alight
		`Cause Saturday night's the night I like
		Saturday night's alright alright alright
		Well they're packed pretty tight in here tonight
		I'm looking for a dolly who'll see me right
		I may use a little muscle to get what I need
		I may sink a little drink and shout out "She's with me!"
		A couple of the sound that I really like
		Are the sounds of a switchblade and a motorbike
		I'm a juvenile product of the working class
		Whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass
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