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NOFX - Life O' Riley - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / NOFX / Life O' Riley

Аккорды, табы

		Life O' Riley

!		It helps to know hear and understand the feel, before
!		tryin' to play this.
!		First, a bit of bass tab... (verse)
!		This is pretty much used throughout the song, 'cept
!		in the chorus. If you can't figure out the chorus,
!		you can't play this song. (By the way, the chords in
!		the chorus go <E>, <E>, <D>, <A>, <E>, <E>, <G>, <D>, <E>, <E>, <D>, <A>, and
!		the bass just follows the root of those chords.)
!		Now, the rockin' ska riff... (verse)
!		And the chorus, just power chords as stated above. If
!		you can figure it out, just listen to the song, and all
!		will be revealed.

!		The Lyrics:
!		(verse)
		I sit in my easy chair
		I've got so much time to spare
		cause I know in my future days
		I'll have my lionshare
!		(verse)
		theres nothing I like better
		than getting something for nothing
		some will tell you that you can't get nothing for free (there's nothing)
		obviously they don't know me (obviously they've not met)
!		(chorus)
		I live the lifestyle they speak of so highly
		I live the life...the life of riley
!		(verse)
		you can have your cake and eat it too
		and there's plenty of free lunch for you (lots of
		if you think you're getting cheated then you don't have a clue
		you don't know where you are, or what to do (or just mumble)
!		(chorus)
		I live the lifestyle they speak of so highly
		I live the life...the life of riley
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