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Megadeth - Holy Wars - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Megadeth / Holy Wars

Аккорды, табы

		Holy Wars...The Punishment Due

Intro:		                                   hold the chords for 7/8 of a bar


Riff A:		[-5^7------10^7---------5^7-------5^7---------7---8---



ending 1:	[-------------------------------------------4----------4------
!		         repeat Riff A using ending 2

ending 2:	[-5^7-------10^7-----------------------------




Riff B:		(x 8)
!		play over riff B
		-------------7--------------------7---6-------5---6/7vibrato hold for
		-------------------------------------------------- one section of riff B

		-------------7------------6-----------5-----------5/7vibrato hold for
		-------------------------------------------------- one section of riff B]

!		repeat these two riffs

Riff C:		[-4-/-5-----4-------4-/-5-------5-\-4-------4-\-5----




!		Riff B, Riff C (x 3)

!		Holy Wars rhythm:  4x


!		                                      Marty's spanish solo
!		Bridge to ...The Punishment Due:   4x

!		...The Punishment Due:
!		 Play these two times
		[--------------------hold -----------------0-------0-----
		--------------------C    -------------------0-------0---
		--------------------one  -------------------------------
		--------------------bar  -------------------------------
		----/7---9-----10---     ----/7---9---2-1-----1-0-----0-2
		-0-0---7---0-8-8----     -0-----7---0-3-2-----2-1-----1-0]
!		                                     alternate between major and fifth
!		                                      chords

!		When the drums kick in:
!		       The only change is you play the C  chord 7 times missing
!		the first beat. Play 4x
!		for the solo rhythym figure, skip the E chord of the above rhythym figure

!		go back to where drums kick in, playing riff 5x, adding harmonics on
!		fifth fret in first bit of thumping C's
!		Riff E, 4x
!		   harmonics
!		alternate with major thirds on 2nd and fourth repeat
!		end riff E
!		Riff F, 8x
!		   harmonics
!		alternate with major thirds on 2nd and fourth repeat
!		end riff E
!		Riff G, 13x
!		Play over Riff G on repeats 5-10
		-------------7--------------------7---6-------5---6/7vibrato hold for
		-------------------------------------------------- one section of riff B

		-------------7------------6-----------5-----------5/7vibrato hold for
		-------------------------------------------------- one section of riff B

		-------------7--------------------7---6-------5---6/7vibrato hold for
		-------------------------------------------------- one section of riff B]
!		After Riff G play

!		Thats the end.
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