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Life Of Agony - I Pretend - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Life Of Agony / I Pretend

Аккорды, табы

		I Pretend

!		Cool but simple song!
!		there are basicly four chords used througout the song:
!		Intro  just one chord keep strumming as much as you like
!		Then he goes into this part (! just the chords+progression
!		not the strumming pattern!!!)
		[e|----|---|---|---|				    |---|]
!		[B|----|---|---|---|] this is repeated a couple of   [|---|]
!		[G|-9--|-6-|-7-|-4-|] times (listen to the cd for    [|-2-|]
!		[D|-10-|-7-|-8-|-5-|] strum). The n before the	    [|-3-|]
!		[A|-10-|-7-|-8-|-5-|] more relaxed part he strums    [|-3-|]
!		[E|-8--|-5-|-6-|-3-|] the <F> chord -----------------> [|-1-|]
!		Then  there's this part too (listen to the cd for exact timing!) (2.22 mins)
!		Then before he goes back to the other part with the solo played over it
!		but before that he plays the ([577655]) a couple of times with HEAVY

!		lyrics:
		In the stillness of the night
		My eyes are closed
		My mouth is wide
		I could see her face
		Her beautifull hair
		I  could recognize
		She looks at me cold
		She probably don't know who I am
		Moomy it's me
		It's keith
		You had me back when
		But sometimes i like to pretend
		That she knows me
		That she holds me
		I guess I can't
		Because she doesn't know who I am
		My mind it's dreaming
		God it's so misleading
		Do you think it's 'cause I've grown old
		Is it true that what I was told
		You cried to leave me
		You know I know it's not your fault
		You had a husband who was selfish and cold
		Believe me I know
		Now I hear you used to treat me cold
		You disappeard and left me all alone
		I'm sure you didn't know right from wrong
		'cause both of you were always getting stoned.
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