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Lemonheads - I Wish I Was Him - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Lemonheads / I Wish I Was Him

Аккорды, табы

		I Wish I Was Him

>		D A       G        } x4

>		  D                                  A
verse1:		i feel real stupid when i say it out loud
>		       D                              A
		like i'm just jealous of a silver cloud
>		     D                                      A
		he looks real good, he drinks diet coke
>		    D                                      A
		he gets his enemies sent by air not boat

chorus:		tacket          <D                                           G>
		i wish i was him,  gets the women at his feet
>		                           D                            G
		with all his cool friends,  has no enemies
>		                     D                                       G
		i wish i was him ,  gets his records for free
>		                     D    A             G            } x4
		i wish i was him,

!		2nd&3rd verse and chorus same chords

verse2:		he's got six different flannel shirts, airwalks not thongs
		he even understands the words to all the pavement songs
		he's got the coolest new guitar toys
		he even loves SMUDGE and the Beastie Boys

chorus2:	same lyrics

verse3:		well i feel alot better now that i let it all out
		he's got big biceps and a masculine shout
		it's not that i'm tryin' to be mean
		but he plays guitar much faster than me

chorus3:	still same lyrics
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