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Lemonheads - Drug Buddy - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Lemonheads / Drug Buddy

Аккорды, табы

		Drug Buddy

!		The main chord progression which composes the whole song, verse and
!		chorus is simply <F>, <Gm>, <Dm>, <Bb>. And here are the lyrics...which were
!		originally typed by Phil H. with some modifications from me. I think
!		they're pretty much on now.

>		F            Gm
		She's coming over
>		Dm	     Bb
		We'll go out walking
>		F          Gm              Dm         Bb
		and make a call on the way
		She's in the phone booth now
		I'm looking in
		There comes a smile on her face
		Still got some of the same stuff we got yesterday
		Still got some of the same stuff we got yesterday, yeah
		I'm too much with myself
		I want to be someone else
		I'm too much with myself
		I want to be someone else
		I'm too much with myself
		I want to be someone else
		So we take off
		at Fiona's door
		Walkin' till its light outside
		Like before when we were on the phone
		We have to laugh to look at each other
		We have to laugh because we're not alone
		As the cars fly up King St.
		It's enough to startle us
		It's enough to startle us
		I love my drug buddy
		My drug, my drug buddy
		I love my drug buddy
		My drug, my drug buddy

!		I am not sure on some of these lyrics but they should be mostly correct. I
!		have been trying to figure out the cords for a while and can't seem to get
!		them.


!		The main chord progression which composes the whole song, verse and
!		chorus is simply <F>, <Gm>, <Dm>, <Bb6>. And here are the lyrics...which were
!		originally typed by Phil H. with some modifications from me. I think
!		they're pretty much on now.
!		I have added chord shapes that I think are more accurate...
!		see what you think sounds best.

Chords:		<  F   or or  Gm     D5    Bb6>

>		F            Gm
		She's coming over
>		D5	     Bb6
		We'll go out walking
>		F          Gm              D5         Bb6
		and make a call on the way
		She's in the phone booth now
		I'm looking in
		There comes a smile on her face
		Still got some of the same stuff we got yesterday
		Still got some of the same stuff we got yesterday, yeah
		I'm too much with myself
		I want to be someone else
		I'm too much with myself
		I want to be someone else
		I'm too much with myself
		I want to be someone else
		So we take off
		at Fiona's door
		Walkin' till its light outside
		Like before when we were on the phone
		We have to laugh to look at each other
		We have to laugh because we're not alone
		As the cars fly up King St.
		It's enough to startle us
		It's enough to startle us
		I love my drug buddy
		My drug, my drug buddy
		I love my drug buddy
		My drug, my drug buddy
!		END
!		The chords originally suggested ARE easier to play I admit!
!		So for sake of completeness, here THEY are:
>		  F     Gm     Dm    Bb6
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