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Lemonheads - Down about it - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Lemonheads / Down about it

Аккорды, табы

		Down about it

Intro:		<D>  | <E(high)> | <B>  | <A>  | <G>  | <F#> | <E>  | <A>

Verse:		<D>  | <E(high)> | <B>  | <A>  | <G>  | <F#> | <E>  | <E>
		<D>  | <E(high)> | <B>  | <A>  | <G>  | <F#> | <E>  | <A>

Refrain:	<G> | <A> (a couple of times)

!		In the last refrain there is a bridge which goes <E> | <A> | <E> | <A>

!		<A>:[00220x]  <C>:[00553x]  <D>:[00775x]  <E>:[000220]  <F#>:[000442]  <G>:[000553]
!		<A>:[000775]  <B>:[00442x]  <E(high)>:[00997x]  <G(high)>:[0 0 12 12 10]


!		Down about it is played with a capo at the 2nd fret but it is played
!		without it on the
!		"it's about time single". It's sounds better without the capo if you
!		are playing it solo on the acoustic.
!		The tabs and chords are relative to the capo. i'm not going to show the
!		strumming, just the chords.

intro:		< C    Em   Am   ?    F   Em   Dm   G>

VERSES:		<C - Em - Am - ? - F - Em - Dm>
>		C - Em - Am - ? - F - Em - Dm - G

CHORUS:		<                                                 Dm    C>
!		 play that several times then after the second verse
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