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Lemonheads - Baltimore - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Lemonheads / Baltimore

Аккорды, табы


>		        G               C
		Well, I sold my farm to take my woman
>		G                   C
		Where she longed to be
>		   D
		We left our kin and all our friends
>		     C              G
		Back there in Tennessee
>		  G                    C
		I bought those one-way tickets
>		           G               C
		That she'd often begged me for
>		     D                              G
		They took us to the streets of Baltimore
>		    D
		Her heart was filled with gladness
>		        C              G
		Just to see those city lights
>		    G
		She swore the prettiest place on earth
>		                 D
		Was Baltimore at night
>		  G                  C
		A man feels proud to give his woman
>		G                  C
		What she's longing for
>		      D                               G
		And I kinda liked the streets of Baltimore
>		  G            C
		I got myself a factory job
>		  G            C
		I ran an old machine
>		  D
		I bought a little cottage
>		     C              G
		In a neighborhood serene
>		    G                C
		And every night when I'd come home
>		     G            C
		With every muscle sore
>		      D                                   G
		She'd drag me through the streets of Baltimore
>		  D
		I did my best to bring her back
>		   C                 G
		To where she used to be
>		    G
		But I soon learned she loved those bright lights
>		                    D
		More than she loved me
>		         G             C
		So I'm a-going back on that same train
>		     G                 C
		That brought me here before
>		         D                              G
		While my baby walks the streets of Baltimore
>		         D              C               G
		While my baby walks the streets of Baltimore
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