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Led Zeppelin - The Lemon Song - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Led Zeppelin / The Lemon Song

Аккорды, табы

		The Lemon Song

!		[|]     = quarter note
!		[|_]    = eighth note         ([|___|___|___|] is 4 eighth notes)
!		[|_|_|] = triplet (twelfth notes)
!		  [3]
!		[|=]    = sixteenth note      ([|=|=|=|]  is 4 sixteenth notes)
!		[|.]    = dotted quarter note
!		[1/8]   = eighth note rest
!		[1/4]   = quarter note rest (etc)
!		If a note is indicated below the line, but there is no fret number indicated
!		('missing'), then sustain the last note played for the value the 'missing' note
!		[/\]    = slide up, down
!		[~]     = vibrato
!		[x]     = muted string
!		[h,p]   = hammer on, pull off
!		[()]    = grace note
!		[b()]   = bend (to the pitch of this fret)
!		[r]     = reverse bend

!		Intro:
		[                                     ~~
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |_. |=|___|   |_    |.
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |_. |=|___|   |=|=|=|  |=|_.
		                                     ~~           1/8
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |.      |___|   _| |_|_| |_|_| |_|_|
		                                                   3     3     3     3
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |_. |=|___|   |_  |.]

!		Verse 1:
		[                                     ~~~
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |       |___|       |       |
		                                     ~~~                         ~~
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |       |___|   |=|=|=| |=|=|_
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |      1/8  |___|   |.
		  |___|___|___|   |___|___|___|     |      1/8_|___|___| 1/16=|=|=|
		  |       |_. |=|=|___|   |=|=|=|   |=|_ =| |=|=|=| |=|=|=| |___|=|]
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