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Led Zeppelin - Kashmir - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Led Zeppelin / Kashmir

Аккорды, табы


!		(basic song riff)

!		NOTE: the first 2-2-2 is dropped when repeated.
!		OH let the sun beat down upon my face, stars fill my dream
!		I am a traveler of both time and space, to be where I have been
!		secret elders of a gentle race, swierl but seldom seen
!		top of days for which they sit and wait, all will be revealed


!		(basic song riff)
		offer song from tongues of lilding grace, sounds caress my ear
		not a word I heard could I relate, the story was quite clear
!		(POWER FILL) } x2
>		Am
		OOOH baby I've been lie'n
		OOOH yea, baby there aint no deny'n
		OOOH yea, I've been fly'n
		mama    aint no deny'n, no deny'n
!		(POWER FILL) } x2
>		Am                 B      Am                   B
		all I see turns to brown, as the sun burns the ground
>		Am                     B     Am                  B
		and my eye filled with sand, as I scan this racy land
>		Am                                     B
		try'n to find, try'n to find were I've been
!		(basic song riff)
		OH I love the storm that leaves no trace, like thoughts inside a dream
		he is the band that led me to that place, yellow desert screams
		like shangrela beneath the summer moon, I will return to err
		as the death that floats behind you, were moving through kashmir

!		(basic song riff)
		OH father of the four winds fill my sails, cross the sea of errs
		with no provisions but an open face, norm'd straits of fear
!		(POWER FILL) } x2
>		Am                          B
		When I want, when I'm on my way, yea
>		Am                                    B
		When I feel, when I think my brain to stay
>		Am         B  Am                B
		... OOOH yea  OOOH yea when I'm down
>		Am                            B
		OOOH yea  OOOH yea when I'm down
>		Am                                     B
		OH my baby, OH my baby let me take you there
>		Am              B
		let me take you there....
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