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Led Zeppelin - Gallows Pole - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Led Zeppelin / Gallows Pole

Аккорды, табы

Off Led Zeppelin III
		Gallows Pole

!		Bass-Tab

!		Well folks as far as I can tell,
!		there are only 4 parts to this song:
!		  S  S  S  S S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
!		 S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S  S
!		This repeats a few times with an
!		occasional G-D or C-D transition
!		Then when the "Hangman" chorus
!		comes in:
!		 Q  E  S  S  E  S  S  Q   Q  E  S
!		  S  Q+  S  S   S  Q    E  S  S
!		 E  S  S  Q  E   S  S   E   S  S
!		Then back to the G-A-G-A-G-G-G-G
!		stuff again
!		The final part is thrown in at
!		various parts in the song, and
!		pretty much dominates the ending:
!		   E  S  S   S  S  S   S  S  S  S
!		I hope this helps. It may not be
!		right, but I think its close to
!		the actual thing.

!		S= Sixteenth Note
!		E = Eighth Note
!		Q = Quarter Note
!		Q+ = Extended Quarter Note


!		i play it in a standard tuning.... one of my favorites...

riff:		[e--------------

!		riff
		Hangman, Hangman, hold it a little while
		I think I see my friends a commin
!		<G       D>    riff
		ridin a many mile
		Friends you get a little silver, get a little gold
		what did you bring me, my dear friends
!		   <G                D>       riff
		to keep me from the gallows pole
		what did you bring me
!		   <G                D>       riff
		to keep me from the gallows pole
		I couldn't get no silver
		couldn't get no gold
		you know the way they took that ball
!		   <G                D>       riff
		to keep you from the gallows pole
>		A     D G D       A         D      G
		Hangman, Hangman, hold it a little while
>		A         D      G
		I think I see my brother commin
>		G       D    G A  G A  G A  G A
		ridin a many mile
		Brother you get a little silver, get a little gold
		what did you bring me, my brother
>		   G                D       G A  G A
		to keep me from the gallows pole
		brother I brought you some silver
		I brought a little gold
		Brought a little of everything
>		   G                D        G A  G A
		to keep you from the gallows pole
>		     C       D
		Ya I brought you
>		   G                D        G A  G A
		to keep you from the gallows pole
>		A     D G D       A         D      G
		Hangman, Hangman, turn your head a while
>		A         D      G
		I think I see my sister commin
>		G       D    G A  G A  G A  G A
		ridin a many mile mile  mile mile
		Sister I emplore you take him by the hand
		take him to some shady pass and
>		G              D           A  G A  G A  G A
		sit him on the rock of his man
		please take him
>		G              D       A  G A  G A  G A
		sit him on the rock of main man man
>		A     D G D       A         D      G
		Hangman, Hangman, on your face a smile
>		A       D        G
		tell me that I'm free to ride
>		G        D    G A  G A  G A  G A
		ride for many mile
		uh you've got a fine sister
		she want my blood to boil
		she want my blood to boil in her
>		G                    D       G A  G A  G A  G A
		to keep you from the gallows pole
		Your brother brought me silver
		and your sister want my sole
		for now I laugh oh so hard
>		G                    D       G A  G A  G A  G A
		she's swinging on my gallows pole
		for now I laugh oh so hard
>		G                    D       G A  G A  G A  G A
		she's swinging on my gallows pole

		swinging on my gallows pole
		swinging on my gallows pole
		swinging on my gallows pole
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