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Korn - Twist - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Korn / Twist

Аккорды, табы


!		7-string guitar tuned down a full step

verses:		[---------------------------------
!		[-------7/-9/10---------7/-9/-6---] Not sure about this part

Chorus:		[----------------------

		You'r not the right one dumb damn rapper
		Not the right goddamn
		Who are you to rap shit take off
		And who says you're right
		On top you think you'r bomb artista
		But you're bent out of oooo right
		Suck my dick
		But don't you think that you're oooo right
		Sometimes things might make me ooo ooo it makes me mad
		And when it happens fuck it
		Rugged in mind a hint by bite
		Why does it not exist in you?
		Right, shit, why hit in yet another day
		Woo hoo right
		It's not woo hoo right
		But you'r wrong
		Twist, twist, twist, twist
		Put me in right now make mad
		Prove that you're right
		Somehow you're not right, huh
		But that doesn't make me mad
		Right now you're beggin' for a little brew
		All night
		Yeah it's so simple
		I had some Red Dog, you hand over it
		Twist, twist, twist, twist
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