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King Crimson - Epitaph - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / King Crimson / Epitaph

Аккорды, табы


!		NOTES: 1) I'm pretty sure it's called an 'F#m+(Add B)'...it's a thoroughly Fripp chord
!		       2) Let the notes of the guit-arpeggios ring out as long as possible
!		       3) Try the guit-arpeggios on a 12 string if possible :)
!		First the chords:
>		Em  F#m+(Add B) Am  B+  B  Bm C
		[0      x        0   x   2  2  x
		0      0        1   4   4  3  1
		0      2        2   0   4  4  0
		2      0        2   1   4  4  2
		2      2        0   2   2  2  3
		0      2        x   x   x  x  x]

!		The vocal sections:
>		Em                    F#m+(Add B)       Am              B+  B
		The wall on which the prophets wrote is cracking at the seams
		Upon the instruments of death the sunlight brightly gleams
		When every man is torn apart with nightmares and with dreams
		Will no one lay the laurel wreath as silence drowns the screams
>		Em                      Bm
		Confusion will be my epitaph
		As I walk a cracked and broken path               <C                      Bm>
		If we make it we can all sit back and laugh but I fear tomorrow I'll be crying

>		Em                    F#m+(Add B)       Am              B+  B
		Between the iron gates of fate the seeds of time were sown
		And watered by the deeds of those who know and who are known
		Knowledge is a deadly friend when no one sets the rules
		The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools  (mellotron buildup of
									 <C + Cm>???)
!		This acoustic guitar arpeggio also appears at the songs beginning...


>		Em                      Bm
		Confusion will be my epitaph
		As I walk a cracked and broken path               <C                      Bm>
		If we make it we can all sit back and laugh but I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
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