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King Crimson - Book of Saturday - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / King Crimson / Book of Saturday

Аккорды, табы

		Book of Saturday

!		I have divided the song by its various motifs and the roman numerals
!		correspond with these bits NOTE: This is the BASIC structure of the song,
!		feel free to make variations on the basic patterns. I have divided the
!		song up into bits that correspond with the roman numerals in the lyrics
!		here-in. (12)=harmonic
!		              I
		If I only could deceive you
		Forgetting the game
!		              I
		Every time I try to leave you
		You laugh just the same
!		              II
		'Cause my wheels never touch the road
		And the jumble of lies we told
		Just returns to my back to weigh me down...
!		              I
		We lay cards upon the table
		The backs of our hands
!		              I
		And I swear I like your people
		The boys in the band
!		              III
		Reminiscences gone astray
		Coming back to enjoy the fray
		In a tangle of night and daylight sounds...
!		               IV
!		               V
!		               III
!		               VI
!		               VII
		All completeness in the morning
		Asleep on your side
		I'll be waking up the crewmen
		Banana-boat ride
		She responds like a limousine
		Brought alive on the silent screen
		To the shuddering breath of yesterday...
!		                I
		There's the succour of the needy
		Incredible scenes
		I'll believe you in the future
		Your life and death dreams
!		                VIII
		As the cavalry of despair
		Takes a stand in the lady's hair
		For the favour of making sweet sixteen...
		You make my life and times
		A book of bluesy Saturdays
		And I have to chose...

I:		|--------------------------------12----10------------|

II:		|----12------10-----------10-------10---------------------|



III:		|----12------10-----------10-------10----------------------|



IV:		|--------------------------------------10------------|



V:		|----------------------------------------------------0---------8-------0--------7--|


VI:		|-------------------------------------------------------------------------|



VII:		|------------------------0-----------------------|




Begin Verse:	|------------------------0-----------------------|







VIII:		|----12------10-----------10-------10----------------------|






!		Here it is! I hope I tabbed everything out correctly, because, as you can
!		see there is quite a bit to tab out.
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