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KISS - I Can't Stop the Rain - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / KISS / I Can't Stop the Rain

Аккорды, табы

"Peter Criss" (1978)
		I Can't Stop the Rain

!		Listen to the studio version of this song to get a feel for the
!		strumming.

Intro chords:	<F Bb C F Bb C>

>		F
VERSE:		Night falls on the city, finds me all alone.
>		                   Bb                                     C
		Makes me wonder, should just go on home.
>		        F
		And I walk on up the stairs to see if you still there,
>		                  Bb                          C
		would you mind if I found you alone?
>		             Bb   C                F
		Then a cold wind came calling,
>		Bb                     C               F
		strange how it knew me by name.
>		              F
		say the night will fade, but the pain’s gonna stay,
>		                    Bb                                     C
		makes me wonder, have you ever made love to me?

>		F                       Bb
CHORUS:		I can't stop the rain,
>		C                      F
		here it comes again.
>		Bb
>		C                         F
		strikes across the sky.
>		Bb                     G
		I can't stop the rain,
>		F                    Bb
		here it comes again.
>		C
>		                        Bb C F
		only blinds my eyes.

>		F
VERSE:		Ain’t it sad when the only love I ever had,
>		       Bb                                         C
		Just slips away, right through my fingers.
>		F
		Ain’t it a shame when I think of your name,
>		       Bb                                C
		the only memory I have is of you

>		F                        Bb
CHORUS:		I can't stop the rain,
>		C                     F
		here it comes again.
>		Bb
>		C                           F
		strikes across the sky.
>		Bb                     G
		I can't stop the rain,
>		F                     Bb
		here it comes again.
>		                  C
		It takes a witch,
		(‘cause lightning)
>		                                      Bb C F
		to curse that God damn sky.
		(only blinds my eyes…)
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