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Iron Maiden - Xfactor - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Iron Maiden / Xfactor

Аккорды, табы

!		(Bayley/Gers/Harris)

!		Intro: Gr1(accoustic)
!		Play this Intro-part 4 times
!		Gr2(clean)
!		Play this fill-in at the third time of the intropart
!		Play this fill-in at the fourd time of the intropart
!		Verse(accoustic)

!		Play this 4 times
!		chorus(distortion)



!		fill-in 2(accoustic)

!		Verse 2

!		Play this 4 times
!		(chorus)
!		(intro)
!		Riff1 (Both guitars)
!		Play riff 1 twice
!		Riff 2



!		Play this to the solo






!		(chorus 2x)
!		(outro same as intro)
		I get in from work at 2 a.m.
		And sit down with a beer
		turn on late night TV
		And then wonder why I'm here
		It's meaningless and trivial
		And it washes over me
		And once again I wonder
		Is this all there is for me
		Here I am again
		Look at me again
		Here I am again
		On my own
		Trying hard to see
		What there is for me
		Here I am again
		On my own
		Life seens so pathetic
		I wish I could leave it all behind
		This canvas chair, this bed,
		These walls that fall in on my mind
		Hold on for something better
		That just drags you through the dirt
		Do you just let go or carry on
		And try to take the hurt
		Here I am again
		Look at me again
		Here I am again
		On my own
		Trying hard to see
		What there is for me
		Here I am again
		On my own
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