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Iron Maiden - Strange World - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Iron Maiden / Strange World

Аккорды, табы

Iron Maiden (1980)
		Strange World

>		Em                   G
		The only place where you can dream,
>		D             C
		Liven here is not what it seems.
>		Em             G
		Ship of white, light in the sky,
>		D               C
		Nobody there to reason why.
>		Em             G
		Here I am, I'm not really there,
>		D             C
		Smiling faces ever so rare.
>		Em              G
		A let's walk in deepest space,
>		D                 C
		Living here, just isn't the place.
>		Em             G
		Stalk of light come from the ground,
>		D                C
		When I cry there isn't a sound.
>		Em              G
		All my feelings cannot be held,
>		D               C
		I'm happy in my new strange world.
>		Em               G
		Shades of green, grasses twine,
>		D              C
		Girls drinking plasma wine.
>		Em                G
		A look at love, a dream enfolds,
>		D                 C                 Em
		Liven here you'll never grow old.
		Don't you hear me call?
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