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Iron Maiden - Flight of Icarus - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Iron Maiden / Flight of Icarus

Аккорды, табы

		Flight of Icarus

>		   A    E    F#m
!		     LET RING        (2nd Verse-hold chord position)
		   As the sun...
>		                       A    E
		|----------------------7----2-LET RING----------------------------|
		   Stands on the Hill
>		   A    F#m
		        A bird song shatters the still
>		   F#(m)            Ab+5 (E/Ab)     A             B    C#
		   His eyes seem so glazed, see the madman in his gaze
!		I'll try and show the idea of the chorus, listen for the
!		strumming and chord slides. At the end go back to strumming
!		the <F#> power chord as in the intro.
>		   F#m          E            D C# D                        E
		   Fly, on your way, like an eagle,            fly as high as the
		   Sun, on your way, like an eagle,            fly as high as the
>		   F#m                 A    E    F#m
>		   A    E                       A    E    F#m
!		For Solo 2 use BRIDGE
!		Play through BRIDGE several times then on the last one
!		stop at the <B> power chord(let it ring) and then strum
!		<F#m> fast and end with <A E F#m> as in the intro.
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