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Хелависа - The Host of the Air - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Хелависа / The Host of the Air

Аккорды, табы

		The Host of the Air
!		(W. B. Yeats)

>		      Dm          C(Am)   Dm
a:		O'Driscoll drove with a song
>		    Dm         C(Am)    Dm
		The wild duck and the drake
>		          Dm           C      Dm
		From the tall and the tufted reeds
>		          G   Am   Dm
		Of the drear Hart Lake.

a:		And he saw how the reeds grew dark
		At the coming of night-tide,
		And dreamed of the long dim hair
		Of Bridget his bride.

>		     Gm                      C
b:		He heard while he sang and dreamed
>		    Gm           C
		A piper piping away,
>		      F                  G
		And never was piping so sad,
>		      Am                  Dm
		And never was piping so gay.

>		Dm C Dm C

a:		And he saw young men and young girls
		Who danced on a level place,
		And Bridget his bride among them,
		With a sad and a gay face.

b:		The dancers crowded about him
		And many a sweet thing said,
		And a young man brought him red wine
		And a young girl white bread.

a:		But Bridget drew him by the sleeve
		Away from the merry bands,
		To old men playing at cards
		With a twinkling of ancient hands.

b:		The bread and the wine had a doom,
		For these were the host of the air;
		He sat and played in a dream
		Of her long dim hair.

a:		He played with the merry old men
		And thought not of evil chance,
		Until one bore Bridget his bride
		Away from the merry dance.

b:		He bore her away in his arms,
		The handsomest young man there,
		And his neck and his breast and his arms
		Were drowned in her long dim hair.

a:		O'Driscoll scattered the cards
		And out of his dream awoke:
		Old men and young men and young girls
		Were gone like a drifting smoke;

b:		But he heard high up in the air
		A piper piping away,
>		      F    C   G
		And never was piping so sad,
>		      Am             Dm
		And never was piping so gay.
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