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Хелависа - Rolling Down the Hole - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Хелависа / Rolling Down the Hole

Аккорды, табы

		Rolling Down the Hole
!		(J. R. R. Tolkien)

>		D G C D

>		  D         G
>		  C                A7
		Roll-roll-rolling down the hole
>		  D          G
		Heave ho! Splash plump!
>		  C             A        A7
		Down they go, down they bump!
>		  D                    C
		Down the swift dark stream you go
>		  D                 C
		Back to lands you once did know!
>		  Em                    A
		Leave the halls and caverns deep,
>		  Em                  A
		Leave the northern mountains steep,
>		  D               C
		Where the forest wide and dim
>		   D               C
		Stoops in shadow grey and grim!
>		   Em              A
		Float beyond the world of trees
>		 Em              A
		Out into the whispering breeze,
>		  D               C
		Past the rushes, past the reeds,
>		  D               C
		Past the marsh's waving weeds,
>		   Em                   A(?)
		Through the mist that riseth white
>		 Em               A
		Up from mere and pool at night!
>		   D              C
		Follow, follow stars that leap
>		 D              C
		Up the heavens cold and steep;
>		  Em                  A
		Turn when dawn comes over land,
>		 Em          A
		Over rapid, over sand,
>		 D               G
		South away! and South away!
>		  C                A
		Seek the sunlight and the day,
>		   D              G
		Back to pasture, back to mead,
>		   C                 A
		Where the kine and oxen feed!
>		 Em             F#7
		Back to gardens on the hills
>		  Em             F#7
		Where the berry swells and fills
>		  H7             Em
		Under sunlight, under day!
>		  G              A7
		South away! and South away!
>		 D                    C
		Down the swift dark stream you go
>		 D                 C
		Back to lands you once did know!
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