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Хелависа - Legolas' Song - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Хелависа / Legolas' Song

Аккорды, табы

		Legolas' Song
!		(J. R. R. Tolkien)

>		Am Em Am D

>		 Am     Am C        G                          D
(1)		To the Sea, to the Sea! The white gulls are crying,
>		               F                             Am   Em Am
		The wind is blowing, and the white foam is flying.

>		             Am C                     G
(2)		West, west away, the round sun is falling.
>		       D          F                     Am
		Grey ship, grey ship, do you hear them calling.

>		      A        A               D           Dm
R:		The voices of my people that have gone before me?
>		   A             A              D           E7
		I will leave, I will leave the woods that bore me;

(3)		For our days are ending and our years failing.
		I will pass the wide waters lonely sailing.

(4)		Long are the waves on the Last Shore falling,
		Sweet are the voices in the Lost Isle calling,

R:		In Eressea, in Elvenhome that no man can discover,
		Where the leaves fall not: land of my people for ever!'

!		5=1
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