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Guano Apes - No Speech - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Guano Apes / No Speech

Аккорды, табы

		No Speech

!		TUNING: + Step Down (<Eb>,<Ab>,<Db>,<Gb>,<Bb>,<eb>,....from low to high)
!		play 2x... .fade in with this chord
!		this is before the first verse...
!		cont. of riff above........
!		First part of the verses.....
!		second part of the verses
!		^ ^these r played by 2nd guitar, but it sound fine playing it on 1.
!		the [022xxx] chords r played with*distortion B.T.W...
!		this is played together with the part after the last bar...at the*
!		"No!Speech!" >>>well this is the chorus
!		still chorus...
!		^ ^play these with delay/echo effect(this is the bridge"i got to get home")
!		2nd bridge>>> "I got to get,to got to get" part
!		solo part through the last part of the last chorus>somtin' with these notes,
!		I'm not sure.
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