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Guano Apes - Lords Of The Boards - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Guano Apes / Lords Of The Boards

Аккорды, табы

		Lords Of The Boards

!		Чтoбы вce былo пoнятнo, нyжнo oбязaтeльнo
!		пocлyшaть caмy пecню.

!		Вcтyплeниe:
!		<H A H C>(бappэ) <H A H> - Нa тpex нижниx cтpyнax
>		C A

Пpoигpыш:	<H C H C A> } 2 paзa

Riff:		3|----4--5--4-0-|

		I've got the snowboard under my feet
		I can fly so high, I can fall so deep
		But who do I see comin' up the track
		A little green man with the snowboard on his back
>			H	 A   H	    C	 H	  A	 H	A
		He said: And now I'm flying like an angel to the sun
>		H	 C   H	    A	 H		C
		My feet are burning and I grab into another world
>		 H
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 H						  C
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 H
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 C	A H
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>								  C
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 H						   C  A
		With the lord of the boards, go mad like a clown 
!		riff
		I can stay behind him if I can
		I wanna be a little more than an "also-ran"
		Through every curve He's got me beat
		And maybe it's time that I accept defeat
>			H	 A   H	    C	 H	  A	 H	A
		He said: And now I'm flying like an angel to the sun
>		H	 C   H	    A	 H		C
		My feet are burning and I grab into another world
>		 H
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 H						  C
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 H
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 C	A H
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>								  C
		With the lord of the boards you'll come and get around
>		 H						   C  A
		With the lord of the boards, go mad like a clown
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