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Green Day - Sick - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Green Day / Sick

Аккорды, табы


!		Chords used in this song
>		    A5          D5          G5
		[----------   ---------   --------
		----------   ---------   --------
		----------   ---7-----   --------
		---7------   ---7-----   ---5----
		---7------   ---5-----   ---5----
		---5------   ---------   ---3----]

!		I can hardly figure out any of the words to this song (no disrespect to
!		billies voice or anything it's probably me just being english) so I've
!		just used some of the words that I could figure out, but the chords are
!		the same all the way through and the bridge to this song is just the
!		verse chords played with no singing.
>		          A5                                      D5   G5 A5
		Like a dog that just pissed on your barbeque your sick of me } repeat 4 times
>		C5                   G5   D5 G5  C5  A5
		Walkin out of the door   I am over you } repeat twice
>		A5     C5                           A5               C5
		             I know you got your problems......... \   this isn't said
		                                                    \  every time these
		                                                     \ chords are played
!		end <on A5>
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