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Green Day - She - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Green Day / She

Аккорды, табы

Вариант 1

		---5----5----5---5---5---5----|-(5)---5---5-----5---5---5---| } repeat 1 time

		. -----------------------------|------------------------------|

		-------------------------------|----------------------------------|  -


!		this is the basic lines to she, it wasent easy so i hope
!		you enjoy it i do


!		Tune 1/2 step down
!		Lower case = single note

>		G
>		D C G
>		C G D
>		G D C G C G
>		G



>		G                   D
(1)		She, she screams in silence
>		                  C                           G         C G
		a sullen riot penetrating through her mind
>		G               D
		wai ting for a sign
>		                          C                                 G5
		to smash the silence with the bricks of self control
>		D5                                  C5                   G5
(2)		Are you locked up in a world  that's been planned out for you
		are you feeling like a social tool without a use
>		 G5       D5           G5     D5
		scream at me until my ears bleed
>		         G5    D5            A5
		i'm taking heed just for you
Вариант 2

		---5----5----5---5---5---5----|-(5)---5---5-----5---5---5---| } repeat 1 time

		. -----------------------------|------------------------------|

		-------------------------------|----------------------------------|  -


!		this is the basic lines to she, it wasent easy so i hope
!		you enjoy it i do


!		Tune 1/2 step down
!		Lower case = single note

>		G
>		D C G
>		C G D
>		G D C G C G
>		G



>		G                   D
(1)		She, she screams in silence
>		                  C                           G         C G
		a sullen riot penetrating through her mind
>		G               D
		wai ting for a sign
>		                          C                                 G5
		to smash the silence with the bricks of self control
>		D5                                  C5                   G5
(2)		Are you locked up in a world  that's been planned out for you
		are you feeling like a social tool without a use
>		 G5       D5           G5     D5
		scream at me until my ears bleed
>		         G5    D5            A5
		i'm taking heed just for you
Вариант 3

		---5----5----5---5---5---5----|-(5)---5---5-----5---5---5---| } repeat 1 time

		. -----------------------------|------------------------------|

		-------------------------------|----------------------------------|  -


!		this is the basic lines to she, it wasent easy so i hope
!		you enjoy it i do


!		Tune 1/2 step down
!		Lower case = single note

>		G
>		D C G
>		C G D
>		G D C G C G
>		G



>		G                   D
(1)		She, she screams in silence
>		                  C                           G         C G
		a sullen riot penetrating through her mind
>		G               D
		wai ting for a sign
>		                          C                                 G5
		to smash the silence with the bricks of self control
>		D5                                  C5                   G5
(2)		Are you locked up in a world  that's been planned out for you
		are you feeling like a social tool without a use
>		 G5       D5           G5     D5
		scream at me until my ears bleed
>		         G5    D5            A5
		i'm taking heed just for you
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