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Green Day - Road to Acceptance - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Green Day / Road to Acceptance

Аккорды, табы

1039\Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
		Road to Acceptance

CHORDS:		<      G       C      D>

!		Intro:

>		G        C                  D     C
		i always waste my time just wondering
>		G        C        D         C
		what the next man thinks of me
!		(same chords)
		i'll never do exactly what i wany
		and i'll sculpt my life for your acceptance

!		(build up on C)

>		G, C, D-C

>		G        C     D  C         G    C   D  C
Verse:		i always waste my time just wondering
>		G        C    D C G         C   D  C
		what the next man thinks of me
!		(same chords)
		i'll never do exactly what i want
		and i'll sculpt my life for your acceptance

>		D                C
PreChorus:	i feel forgotten feel like rotting
>		G      D        C
		do you feel the same?
>		D           C
		adolescence just can't make sense
>		     G       D  C
		it's calling my name

>		D              C                           G
CHORUS:		i take a look around at all the things i've found
>		                D
		i call it blind hatred
>		D                   C                     G
		if you'd stop for a while, maybe if you'd smile
>		                  D          C       D
		you would realize that we're all the same
>		     D    C      G
		it's just like a brain
		when it   goes   insane
		we   feel the same pain

>		G, C, D-C

!		Verse2(w\same chords as first)
		all my life i seem to have this need
		at certain times it even turns to greed
		we all wanna join this family
		we'll even sacrifice a moral changing

!		repeat PreChorus and CHORUS

!		(bass only)

		i take a look around at all the things i've found
		i call it blind hatred...
		if you'd stop for a while, maybe if you'd smile
!		(pick scrape low E)
		you would realize
>		D          C       D
		that we're all the same
>		     D    C      G
		it's just like a brain
		when it   goes   insane
		we   feel the same pain

>		D, C, G, D, C, G, D, C, G, D-G

!		end on <G>

!		ok, that's all.
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