Green Day - Panic Song - Аккорды, табы, тексты
Аккорды, табы
Panic Song
! Intro/Solo:
! Open A string...rapid...then
! <D D#> xxxxxxxxxxx
> E(PM)
Verse: Ready for a cheap escape.
> E(PM)
On the brink of self-destruction.
> B D
Widespread panic.
> E D A
Broken glass inside my head.
> E D A
Bleeding down these thoughts of
> B D
Anguish... mass confusion.
> A E
Chorus: The world is a sick machine
> B E
breeding a mass of shit.
> A E
With such a desolate conclusion.
> B E
Fill the void with...l don't care.
> E D A
Verse: There's a plague inside of me.
> E D A
Eating at my disposition.
> B D
Nothing's left
> E D A
torn out of reality.
> E D A
Into a state of no opinion.
> B D
Limp with hate.
! tuned down 1/2 step.
! <B> (play around with the chord shape for awhile)
> B G# F#
> E B F# B E B A F#
! Chords notes:
! Tune down 1/2 step below standard pitch
! Chords:
! <A> ([x133xx]) or ([688xxx]) (Is up to you to choose one of the
! <B> ([x255xx]) or ([799xxx]) formations, the one you feel more
! <C> ([x355xx]) or ([8-10-10-xxx]) comfortable with)
! <C#> ([x466xx])
! <D> ([x577xx])
! <D#> ([x688xx])
! <E> ([022xxx])
! <E(type 2)> ([x799xx]) or ([0799xxx]) The second one I use it when I palm mute
! that chord, but using only the ([0xxxxx])
! <B(type 2)> ([xx9-11-12-x]) or ([x-9-9-11-12-x])
! Intro:
! <B> (two times), then:
! <E(type 2)>, <B(type 2)> (play several times)
! Strum a "B" chord then (w/palm muting) strum the higher string several
! times and fast ([7xxxxx]) or ([2xxxxx]), I recomend the first one. Then do the
! same, but without palm muting; it just sounds a little low (the string, less
! volume).
! Verse:
> B, G#, F#
! Chorus:
> E, B, F#, B, E, B, A, F#
! Post Chorus:
> B, A, F#