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Green Day - Dry Ice - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Green Day / Dry Ice

Аккорды, табы

1039\Smoothed Out Slappy Hours
		Dry Ice

CHORDS:		<     G#    C     C#     Eb       F>

Intro:		|-------------------------|

>		G#                C               C#            G#
Verse:		late last night i had a dream and she was in it again
>		G#             C          C#             Eb
		she and i were in the sky flying hand in hand
!		(same chords)
		i woke up in a cold sweat wishing she was by my side
		praying that she'll dry the tears left on my face i've cried

>		C#   G#       C#            G#
CHORUS:		oh i love her keep dreaming of her
>		C#          G#       C#                 Eb
		will i understand if she wants to be my friend?

>		G#, C, C#, G# } x2

Verse2:		i'll send a letter to that girl asking her to be my own
		but my pen is writing wrong so i'll say it in a song
		oh i love you more right now more than i've ever loved before
		take these words from these lips: i'll need you forever more

!		repeat CHORUS } x2

>		G#            F                C#
Bridge:		come ease the pain that's in my heart

!		solo(i don't know it, improvise)

!		repeat Intro
!		repeat Verse1
!		repeat CHORUS
!		repeat Bridge

!		end on <G#>


>		G#
>		G#  C  C#  G#
!		<G#  C  C#  D#> <===== (6th fret)
>		C#  G#  C#  G#  C#  D#
>		G#  F  F#  G  F  F#
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