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Green Day - Brat - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Green Day / Brat

Аккорды, табы


Verse:		Mom and Dad don't look so hot these days
>		        A	G      	C
		they're getting over the hill,
>		C		D	C	A
		Death is closing in and catching up
>		C	A	D
		as far as I can tell,
>		C		D	C	A
		Got a plan of action and cold blood
>		C 	A	D
		and it smells of defiance,
>		C		D	C	A
		I'll just wait for Mom and Dad to die
>		C	A	D
		and get my inheritance.

>		C		D	C		A
Chorus:		Now I want more because I'm getting bored
>		C		D	A
		and I'm going nowhere fast,
>		C		D	C		A
		I was once filled with doubt and now it's all figured out
>		C		D	D(PM) 	D
		that nothing good can last.

>		C		D	C	A
Verse:		Crows feet and rot are setting in
>		C	A	D
		and time is running out,
>		C		D	C	A
		My parents income interest rate
>		C	A	D
		is gaining higher clout,
>		C		D	C	A
		I'm a snot nosed sod without a job
>		C	A	D
		and I know I damn well should,
>		C		D	C	A
		Mom and Dad don't look so hot these days
>		C	A	D
		but my future's looking good.

>		C		D	C		A
Chorus:		Now I want more because I'm getting bored
>		C		D	A
		and I'm going nowhere fast,
>		C		D	C		A
		I was once filled with doubt and now it's all figured out
>		C		D	D(PM) 	D
		that nothing good can last.


!		tuned down 1/2 step.

>		C G D
>		G C G
>		C G D
>		C G C G C G D
>		C G C G F D


!		Note: Tune a half step down. All power chords.
!		Intro:
>		           C G  D
!		Part A:
>		  G C  G    C G  D
!		Part B:
>		  C G  C G  C G  D
!		Part C:
>		 C G  C G  A    D
!		Sequence:
!		Intro; <A>x3; <B>; <C>; <A>x4; <B>; <C>; <A>x4; <B>; <C>; Ends with <G> chord.


!		Chords notes:
!		Tune down 1/2 step below standard pitch
!		Chords:
!		<A>  ([x133xx]) or ([688xxx])               (Is up to you to choose one of the
!		<B>  ([x255xx]) or ([799xxx])                formations, the one you feel more
!		<C>  ([x355xx]) or ([8-10-10-xxx])           comfortable with)
!		<C#> ([x466xx])
!		<D>  ([x577xx])
!		<D#> ([x688xx])
!		<E>  ([022xxx])
!		<E(type 2)>  ([x799xx]) or ([0799xxx])  The second one I use it when I palm mute
!		                                  that chord, but using only the ([0xxxxx])
!		<B(type 2)>  ([xx9-11-12-x])  or ([x-9-9-11-12-x])

Intro:		<C, G, D>
Verse:		<G, C, G, G, C, G, D>
Chorus:		<C, G, C, C, G, D>
Interlude:	<G, C, G, E/G, C, G, D>
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