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Green Day - 2000 Light Years Away - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Green Day / 2000 Light Years Away

Аккорды, табы

		2000 Light Years Away

!		This is the first song on it.
!		May not be in the right key.
!		Just the easiest way to play it.
!		The minor chord threw me at first.
!		Didn't think Billy Joe knew them.

>		C          G
		I sit alone in my bedroom
		Staring at the walls
		I've been up all damn night long
		My pulse is speeding, my love is yearning
>		Am                   C
		I hold my breath and close eyes
>		   Am           G
		And dream about her
>		F             G               C
		Cause she's 2000 light years away
		She holds my mala kite so tight so
		Never let go
		Cause she 2000 light years away
		I sit outside and watch the sunrise
		Lookout as far as I can
		I can't see her, but in the distance
		I hear some laughter, we laugh together


CHORDS:		<    G#      F#     E       B>

Intro:		<B>, <G#>, <F#>

>		B     F#                  B              F#
Verse:		i sit alone in my bedroom staring at the wall
!		(same chords)
		i've been up all damn night long
		my pulse is speedin, my love is yearnin

>		G#                   B
CHORUS:		i hold my breath and close my eyes and
>		G#
		dream about her
>		E             F#               Bb-B, Bb-B, Bb-B, Bb-B
		cause she's 2000 light years away
>		G#          B
		she hold my malakite so tight so
>		G#
		never let go
>		E             F#               B   G#   F#
		cause she's 2000 light years away

!		repeat Intro

!		Verse2(w\same chords)

		i sit outside and watch the sunrise look out as far as i can
		i can't see her but in the distance
		i hear some laughter, we laugh together

!		repeat CHORUS
!		repeat Intro

!		(bass only)
		i sit alone in my bedroom starin at the wall
!		             (rake low E)
		i've been up all damn night long
		my pulse is speedin, my love is yearnin

!		repeat CHORUS
!		repeat Intro

		years away...

!		ok, that's it.  have fun.
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