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Гражданская оборона - Everything is planned - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / Гражданская оборона / Everything is planned

Аккорды, табы


>		  Am       F        C           E
		A border's key is broken by two parts
		And the Father Lenin is absolutely dead
		He has divided into rubbish and a very good thing
		And perestroika always goes and goes as planned
		And all dirt was transformed into gray ice
>		    E             Am      FC
		And everything is planned  } 2 times

		And my destiny wanted to have an endless rest
		I have promised her not to take part in the war
		But on my service cap there's sickle, hammer and a star
		How it is pretty: a sickle, and a hammer, and a star
		The waiting light is wounding by the wind	
		And everything is planned } 2 times

		They have fed all crowd by my only wife
		With a worldwide fist they have broken her bosom
		With a worldwide freedom they have broken her flesh 		
		So you must make her rest in peace
		'cause everything is planned } 2 times

		And only Father Lenin was very good man
		And all other people is such a big shit
		And all other are enemies and such a fucking fools
		It was snowing over our native Fatherland
		I have bought "Korea" magazine -
		there's very good too
		There's mister Kim Ir Sen, all we have,
		they have the same
		I am sure that they have all the same
		And everything is planned } 2 times

		When the communism will be, it will be fucking good
		It will come so soon, you must only wait
		Everything will be free there, and
		all'll be by kife
		And you even needn't die while communism will be
		I woke up in the night and understood
		That everything is planned } 2 times
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