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George Harrison - All Things Must Pass - Аккорды, табы, тексты

Аккорды, табы / George Harrison / All Things Must Pass

Аккорды, табы

1970-All Things Must Pass
		All things must pass

!		Chords:
!		<E>    - [022100]   <Asus4> - [x02230]
!		<A/E>  - [004200]   <A(2)>  - [07x500]
!		<E(2)> - [006400]   <Bm>    - [224432]
!		<A>    - [x02220]   <E(3)>  - [x7999x]

Intro:		<E  A/E  E(2)  A   E  A/E  E(2)  A>

>		E                            A/E         E(2)          A
Verse:		Sunrise doesn't last all morning
>		E    A/E                         E(2)       A
		A cloudburst doesn't last all day
>		E                  A/E                               E(2)
>		       A(2)
		It seems my love is up and has left you with no warning
>		E              A/E                E(2)     A(2)
		It's not always gonna be this grey

>		Bm                         A      Asus4    A
Chorus:		All things must pass
>		E                            A/E       E     A/E  E(2)  A
		All things must pass away

		Sunset doesn't last all evening
		A mind can blow those clouds away
		After all this my love is up and must be leaving
		It's not always gonna be this grey

>		Bm                          A     Asus4    A
Bridge:		All things must pass
>		Bm                                          A     Asus4    A
		None of life's strings can last
>		       E               A/E
		So I must be on my way
>		      E(2)       A
		To face another day
		Now the darkness only stays the nighttime
		In the morning it will fade away
		Daylight is good at arriving at the right time
		It's not always gonna be this grey

>		Bm                         A
Second Chorus:	All things must pass
>		 E                           A/E    E
		All things must pass away
>		E  A/E  E(2) A  E  A/E  E(2) A(2)      E(3)


Текст:		Sunrise doesn't last all morning
		A cloudburst doesn't last all day
		Seems my love is up and has left you with no warning
		It's not always going to be this grey

		All things must pass
		All things must pass away

		Sunset doesn't last all evening
		A mind can blow those clouds away
		After all this, my love is up and must be leaving
		It's not always going to be this grey

		All things must pass
		All things must pass away
		All things must pass
		None of life's strings can last
		So, I must be on my way
		And face another day

		Now the darkness only stays the night-time
		In the morning it will fade away
		Daylight is good at arriving at the right time
		It's not always going to be this grey

		All things must pass
		All things must pass away
		All things must pass
		All things must pass away
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